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Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.

James 5:16 KJV

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Please pray that I get an economic miracle 19 december. Pray for me to get free of dizzy and tensions in my head/body and in the subconscious. Pray for my sour and dry eyes that are wounded. Pray for good health in Jesus name.Pray that me and my family is protected according to Psalm 91.Jesus blood over us all.God save us all.God work in mysteries ways. Nothing is impossible for him to do. Especially I need to get free of debt in Jesus name. Hopefully Jesus will answer very soon. Pray that he will bless my economy with miracles very soon .Pray for my family and friends. Pray in Jesus name and he will hear us from heaven. Pray that he will send his blessing to me these days to come. We pray that he will answer our needs in life. Everything is under his control. He takes care of his children. Thanks to everyone that pray for me. I am ever grateful for that. I will pray that God bless your life in many ways. He will open a door for me and I need to hear from him very soon. He listens to our heart. Thanks and God bless you so much. Pray for our Evangelization work as we reach many people with the gospel and spread the good news of what happen in Israel

Hello John,

We have been praying for you and have tried to contact you over an email, but unfortunately it seems our email was not opened, We request you to check spam/ Junk folder and feel free to reply to us and share with us your praise report. Awaiting your response

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Please pray for full time employment and sleep at night

Hello Crystal,

Thank you for reaching out to us. We have received your prayer request and we are praying for you. One of the biggest secrets of a financial breakthrough is Luke 6:38 “Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” – Luke 6:38 I will be uploading a new message called ‘From Rags to Riches’, It is my testimony of how God picked me up, who didn’t even have 3 USD to buy a belt and I wore a torn belt for several months trusting in the Lord to everything at my disposal. Things to follow: 1. Give 2. Sow in the right place (where the Anointing Flows) 3. Pray and Continue to pray 4. Wait for the harvest 5. As God starts blessing 6. Testify and 7. Continue to do so. 8. Trust in the LORD for a Miracle Trust in the LORD.

God Bless you!

We have received other prayer requests too, and we are replying to each and every request.

Please check your Spam/Junk folder for a reply from and and whitelist them to ensure that you receive our reply.

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Please pray4me (michel) tht God wl intervene in gv me favor I'm behnd n rent whr I live I owe $6k the landlord is giving me until october 18-2020 to pay or be evict I dont hv $6k I dont hv anyone who wl lend me $$$ I'm contin2 apply4loans thr denied I'm an essnt wrkr my job prom me a stipnd I didn gt im ovr looked plz pray4me tht my landlord wl not file papers against me to evict me tht ths situa wl miraculously tur n arou4me tht I wl hv ths $6k nxt wk oct 1818-I dont knw wht or who to go to I'm sit on pins and need les I'm ask God2bles me w/ a $25k salary increase

Hello Michel,

We have been praying for you and have tried to contact you over an email, but unfortunately it seems our email was not delivered since the email address provided did not exist. Michel we respect your privacy , however at the same time we are unable to understand if your prayer was answered. Please provide us correct email address so that we can convey what God wants to speak to you and to your situation. Please feel free to let us know once you have received answers to your pray requests

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